Together we can make the difference for Palestine

Boycott the supporters financing apartheid and internationally illegal settlements and its expansion in Palestine!

This is about humanity and social justice

At the heart of the BPL initiative lies a commitment to principles of equality and social justice. Let's be clear—this boycott is not aimed at any religious group; it's a stand for justice, uniting individuals with a shared purpose.

Ever wondered about the effectiveness of boycotts against the apartheid state of Israel? The real question is, why haven't countries taken decisive action with large-scale boycott laws themselves? The answer is both simple and powerful—boycotting works. History has taught us that relying solely on governments for international coordination can be geopolitically pressured. But, when it comes to individual freedom—the right to choose what to buy and whom to do business with—no one can intervene. Governments ultimately depend on the collective opinion of their citizens, making a bottom-to-top approach more influential and resilient.

Organizing and orchestrating boycotts are vital for impact. While commendable efforts by institutions like the BDS movement uncover unethical support for Palestinian oppression, the BPL steps in to assist boycott participants. In an era of increasing ties with the Israeli apartheid state, we provide a platform for quick and easy searches to identify entities deserving of a boycott. The list of multinationals supporting Zionism is substantial, with subsidiaries numbering in the thousands. For instance, Nestle might be a familiar name, but identifying its other 70+ brands becomes a challenge.

Join us in supporting the boycott list on this website, backed by evidence of complicity in apartheid, oppression, abuse, and illegal settlement activities. Together, let's make our voices heard and make a difference in the pursuit of justice.

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Boycotting projects currently encouraged by BDS

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You found important entities to boycott that are not in the BPL list? Email us at contact[at] a message with the sources and evidences supporting why the entity should be boycotted. We will do our best to update the list!

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